

Global Associate Meeting Webinar 19 December 2016

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Recording of Global Associate Meeting webinar
Monday, 19 December

Dear Farman,

This week's Global Associate Meeting was presented by Dan Andersson and Atif Kamran.

We will start with our birthday celebration, recognition, update on News coverage, some Back Office and Product updates, updates on Incentives and notes on office opening times over the year end.

Tomorrow is officially the 4th birthday of LEO.

On 20 12 2012 LEO was launched in front of the Pyramids at Giza. 2,500 people attended that event and today we have nearly 250,000 Members. Many if those who attended this first gathering have changed their lives in ways unimagined at the time. All done through their own hard work and application of the LEO Duplication method.
It amazing that sometime it seems just yesterday that we started LEO and at other times it seems like many many years ago.

But its not about when you start or the length of time you have been with LEO. We have examples of people who joined this year and within 3 months have reached Director. It is all about personal effort and how you apply it.
We would like to thank all of our Leaders for the success they bring to the LEO family. Thanks also to the dedication and support of those who attend the GAM every week and share the content with their teams and contacts.
Let move into 2017 and another great year for LEO, together.

Jian Dong is our latest Director. Very very pleased to be able to recognise his achievement.

The Proof of Stake methodology makes us unique in the cryptocurrency world and as we know, the media think this is an outstanding feature of LEOcoin.

This is YOUR opportunity to maximise your reward with LEOcoin and to benefit from their commitment to LEOcoin.
If you are new, then get to Platinum as soon as you can and use the award as your stating point.
Set your first target to 1,000 LEOcoin; when you get there work out how you are going to get to 5,000 LEOcoin; once you get there, work on your strategy to get to 50,000 LEOcoin and really get the rewards.
Remember that this is THE MOST GENEROUS digital currency POS reward system in the world.

LEOcoin is being recognised as THE digital currency for businesses and to facilitate business transactions.
It is amazing to learn that at this age LEOcoin is in advance of Bitcoin in terms of its take-up.

We are also recognised for the aim of making this concept understandable by uncles and aunts, moms and pops around the world. No technical knowledge is needed; no IT expertise is needed to use LEOcoin.

The extension of LEOcoin into real world commercial activity like travel and on-line shopping and, soon, cards is making LEOcoin so different.

Geraldine Aquino, our COO, believes as we do, in personal development as an integral part of the LEO Mission to make peoples’ lives better.

Effective immediately you must be fully KYC verified before you can withdraw funds. 
This means that in order to request Bank transfers (requesting a direct deposit to your bank account), Neteller transfers, LEO Charity transfers, MasterCard transfers, Bitcoin transfers and Member to Member transfers, your KYC Status will be checked before your request is executed.
Check your status and become fully verified NOW.  Taking the time to become KYC verified now, means you avoid any delays when requesting withdrawals in future.
Why are we doing this? We must show the authorities that we know with whom we are doing business – especially as we are a global business. To be a legitimate and compliant business we must follow the rules and be seen to observe them.
Be assured that we are keeping your personal details secure and private.

The Privacy Option Settings located in your Back Office are now checked by default which allows you to keep your contact information hidden.  They can be ‘un checked’. From Support Menu go to Security & Privacy and then Privacy. This change allows you to be in charge of where and when your contact information is displayed.

We have made the Moneris payment option available to 14 more countries
We are looking to expand the number of providers across the globe, so Members have more choice. This is a good marketing message as well as a great benefit of working with LEO.

The 1 month, 4 month and 12 month Value Pack subscriptions have been extended to 5 weeks, 5 months and 15 Months (respectively) to help you grow your business opportunities.
Anyone buying between 16 November and 31 December will be able to benefit from the eLearning and member Bonus for an extended period.

Each subscription gives the opportunity to access the eLearning catalogue. This is an incredible range of on-demand education which you can utilise when and where it suits you.
The subscription also gives access to Live Seminars where you can join like-minded individuals and engage with world leading trainers.
Many people are upgrading their 1 Month and 4 Month subscriptions to the 12 month option because of the value it represents. Now that this is a 15 Month subscription, the value is even greater.

The latest incentive challenge, together with the extended subscription offer, is going to make a huge contribution to the growth of your business

We are building the LEO infrastructure around the mobile platform; this is fast becoming the business tool at the centre of your business.

The LEO Smart 3.0 App will operate on the LFON4 reinforcing the idea that theLFON4 is central to your business and demonstrating that LEO’s technology tools will help you in building your business.

This is a highly impressive new product and is available from your web shop now.

Remember it is the ONLY phone that comes preloaded with a digital currency wallet!

If you are going to any of the meetings this year, you can pick up your LFON4 by advising us in advance of your intentions, and bringing your voucher with you.

‘LEO – The Next Wave’ symbolises where we are now, where we came from and how we are going forward. This the culmination of the efforts of all of us over the last four years.

Yes, the challenge is on to reach your next rank. 
  • If you are Platinum Rank today, you have a gift of Double RP for 15 days.
  • If you are Associate Rank today, you have a gift of Double RP for 20 days.
  • If you are Senior Associate Rank today, you have a gift of Double RP for 25 days.
  • If you are Coordinator Rank today, you have a gift of Double RP for 30 days.
DID YOU KNOW THAT every time you achieve a target you reset the clock?
That is right. Use the Double RP period to get to the next rank; then when you get there you will get ANOTHER period of Double RP.

The incentive runs from 9 November to 31 December 2016.
For details, see the FAQ document available in your Member Back office and share the video we have produced that explains it in an easy to follow and attractive manner. [Let us have your feedback]

Whilst we have been telling you about all these fabulous incentives to help you roar ahead with your business, we must remind you that the qualification for the forthcoming LEO Kuala Lumpur Annual Conference in 2017 is 100,000 BP in each leg.

You only have until 31 December 2016 to qualify, so you should focus on what you need to do. Break it down into targets using the Double RP Challenge to help boost you there. Ask yourself:
  • What do I need to do to reach Kuala Lumpur?
  • What do I need to do for each month end?
  • What do I need to do each week?
  • What do I need to do today?
If you need any help to set your action plan to meet these goals, Michelle Smith will be very happy to help you.

We are in final testing.  The App will be made available in eight languages. You will soon be able to download it for free from both Apple and Android Play stores.
We are a few short weeks away from launch.

If you have not yet done so, go through the LEO Smart App documents that are available in the Downloads section of the LearnEarnOwn website and prepare.
They include a training presentation that shows how the LEO Smart 3.0 App looks and how it works. There are also FAQs and a marketing flyer.
This is unique in our industry – it is a complete game changer!

Liaqat Ali Magray has said that he is working hard to grow his contacts. He already has 100,000 in his team and has set himself a personal target of 1,000,000!

With the national holidays and banking holidays that occur around the world at this time of the year we there will be some changes in opening hours.
In order to help as many people enjoy the celebrations as we can, the Member bonus due on 26th December will be paid early.
As the banks take holidays in January, there will inevitably be some delay in the first Member bonus payment due in 2017.

As we look forward into the next year the focus will be on these two events: The Executive trip in Dubai and the 5th Global Annual Conference due to take place in Kuala Lumpur.
Everyone will be working hard in what is left of December to qualify for these two events.

This platform, designed to help entrepreneurs start and then grow their business ideas has been well received and there is growing interest. The next step is to develop the reward structure. It is to be expanded to allow property and equity reward models. We are due to have some very big announcements to make on this in Kuala Lumpur.

The new platform is in final testing and we are confident that this will be live early in the new year.

We can expect big things in the LEOcoin arena. LEOcoin will be featuring as a major component of our community as we drive forward into 2017.

The LEO Cafe has taken a bit of a back seat this year, but it has not disappeared. There have been a number of projects in the background where much has been made of the networking capabilities of this franchise model and we will see more activity and some positive announcements very soon.

It has been a difficult year for us regarding legal matters but we are near the end of that chapter and in 2017 we will be able to move forward again with the LEO Tower portfolio.

The charity has been working in the background and with some breathing space in 2017 we shall be pushing forward with this part of our philosophy. So if there are projects you think we should be supporting, do let us know.

As you know we are focussing on the mobile platform for our product and LEO app developments and we have the LEO University coming soon. 2017 will see us greatly expand our markets and as a result increase the number of events in the field.

We cannot look forward without a review of the last year and we cannot look back at 2016 without thinking of the people.
The people are what makes LEO the energetic and successful organisation that it is.

We have been very proud to have known and worked with Mahboob. He has been with us since the beginning and we will miss him.
It is remarkable how many people he reached, touched and influenced during his life.

Graham Kent has had some serious health issues this year. We all send him our thoughts and messages of encouragement and appreciation and wish him a speedy recovery.

This year we added some more expertise to the Advisory Board.
Paul Southworth OBE is the ex-chairman of the UK DSA.
Steve Stockman is a Congressman with a role in the next US administration.
Peter Dillon is a legal council based in Canada

Farhat Mizrah is an excellent example of how business is built through partnerships in the field. He has been with LEO since the start and has never forgotten where he came from and the support he received. You can see him here, supporting Jonathan, a rising star in the Philippines.
Farhat was injured very seriously in a car accident but continued through the pain and discomfort to support his team. We wish him a speedy recovery.

We all know this man who has, this year, reached that amazing milestone of a 100,000 Member team. He was sponsored by Farhat.

Liaqat in turn has sponsored some of our latest rising stars; Rachiele and John. This reminds us that the duplication method really works.

This man is working in the most difficult of markets, Vietnam. Yet when you speak with him he is so positive and upbeat which, together with enormous hard work, makes him so successful.

Yasin Kahut is a leader in Pakistan that stood out this year; his selfless support of his team was an exceptional example to us all. To be successful you have to replicate a successful person – Yasin is one we should all learn from.

Magnus has helped us to build in Europe. He started us off in the Scandinavian countries and is now building our French speaking markets.

Charlie and Ash are a different type of Member. Normally Members are recruited. In this case LEO was recruited by them. They have grown a significant business in the UK from nothing. The wanted a long term business with a company they could trust and after a lot of research they chose LEO. We are very pleased to be working with them.
Hatim Shukry, from Egypt, is one of the characters of the business. He is energetic (as we can see) and is seen here with Mary from USA, demonstrating how people from different cultures and backgrounds can be successful.

Veronique (on the lion) is our first Director in our French speaking world.
Jean Michel along with Isabelle and Patrice of Guadeloupe are part of our new venture into the French speaking markets around the world.

Hua (seen here with Stone from Canada and at the back, Angel) has, in spite of being in poor health, attended almost every event we have run; bringing her team and engaging with everyone.

Not a LEO Member but an enthusiast of the LEO coin. Buy LEOcoin is instrumental in spreading the word on why it is such a wonderful digital currency and we thank him, or her, for the efforts they have put in on our behalf.

There are too many people to recognise properly. This picture shows some of the diversity in the LEO family. They are pictures taken at the Dubai Executive trip and the Great Wall of China cultural exchange.

We are fast approaching 31 December when the Value pack subscription extension, the Double RP Challenge and the LEO Kuala Lumpur Annual Conference 2017 qualification period ends. 

Make the most of the Double RP Challenge.  Get the most benefit – work your plan.  Write down your goals and set some dates by which you are going to achieve them. Just setting your goals down in writing is your first step toward achieving them.

Make sure everyone knows that they are getting 25% extra on their Value Packs. Upgrade within 15 days and your customer will get that advantage as well.

Be sure to build your contact lists in preparation for the availability of the LEO Smart 3.0 App, and don’t forget to look at the training and marketing materials on theDownloads section of the LearnEarnOwn website.  If Liaqat Ali Magray is doing this, then so should you.

Make the most of the First sale RP Bonus incentive with the Value Pack.

Also remember that there is still time to qualify for the LEO Global Annual Conference 2017, by 31 December – make your action plans and contact Michelle if you need assistance.

Stake your balance and make your LEOcoin work for you. Get your team to do the same – help them share in the growth.

Study the Marketing Plan. It is designed for Members to rise through the Ranks faster.

Download the LEO News app today, to receive your copy of LEO News.

Please join us again for the next Global Associate Meeting on 2 January 2017 which will be a special meeting – the first of the new year.

2016 was a tough year. We are coming out of it stronger than ever before.
So many things are coming in 2017. We are all looking forward to the next stage in our growth.
Join us on 2 January to celebrate your achievements in 2016 and take a look at what 2017 will bring.
We have uploaded the recording of this webinar, click on this link

The Global Associate Meeting webinar on 19 December 2016 had many updates for our leaders.

Our weekly webinars are the best source of information because you get updates directly from the LEO management. We welcome everyone who is serious about building their LEO business to join us.

For those who attended, thank you. We hope that you enjoyed it and it was informative for you. This webinar is aimed at providing LEO business updates to our members worldwide, so invite your teams next week so that they also get business updates directly from the LEO senior management.

For those who could not make it, we are sorry that you missed our webinar. We understand that sometimes some urgent piece of work comes in the way. We hope that you will join us next week at the same time and place. Whether you can attend or not (and we hope you can, next week), invite your team members to attend so that they too can get business updates directly from the source.

Join us for the next webinar, taking place on 2 January 2017, 3pm UK time

If you have already registered for the "Global Associate Meeting Webinar" you will receive a reminder email with the link to join the webinar. And if you have not registered for the webinar you may log on to your personal LEO website (www.myLEObusiness.com/your-user-name) and then click on "Webinars" in the top menu.
OR alternatively click on "Register Now" button below and it will take you directly to the webinar registration page.

Register Now

Encourage all your contacts to sign up to this webinar series. Invite your downline to attend as well.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar next week together with your teams.

All the best,

Geoff Round

Global Marketing Manager


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