

LEO Live Seminar, Guadeloupe – The Future of Cryptocurrency!

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Join us in Guadeloupe for LEO Live Seminar – The Future of Cryptocurrency!

Mihir Magudia, Executive Director - LEOcoin Foundation, is travelling to Guadeloupe on 27 August 2017 and we want you to join us!

The LEO live Seminar will be an opportunity for you to learn about digital currency such as LEOcoin, and understand why you need to be part of the digital currency community.

Get your tickets NOW! Tickets are £125.00, or you can use one of your Live Seminar tickets in your LEO Value Pack.

We will release more information on the agenda and location soon, but make sure you book your place!

Are you developing a business in Guadeloupe? Invite your guests, and they can be part of the LEO Momentum and discover digital currency!

Terms and conditions apply, please click here to read more. If you have any enquiries, please contact events@WelcometoLEO.com.


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