

Global Associate Meeting Webinar 7 August 2017

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Global Associate Meeting 7 August 2017

Dear Farman

The meeting was led by Dan Andersson from his hotel room in Tian Jin, China preparing to travel to Qin Huang Dao to start the last of the 888 tour.

We started with LEOcoin updates, information on the latest in our Events schedule. The number of places left for Mauritius continues to fall. This was followed by LEO Smart 3 app and lastly a quick update on LEO Banking as we prepare for the announcement on 8 August and the imminent launch of this project.

Trading of new LEOcoin on LiveCoin and DABTC exchanges is becoming active. C-Cex and Cryptopia will be converting their environment in the next week or so.
If you have been watching the markets you will have seen that Bitcoin and Etherium have been very price volatile over the last week. Not so with LEOcoin. The market has demonstrated its confidence in it and shown its appreciation of the underlying strength of the LEOcoin by not attacking it.
The Bitcoin fork has concluded successfully and we are once again accepting Bitcoin in the LEO Shop.

Thanks to the support of the LEO community who have set a new funding record for the LEOcrowd platform. This will take us to a new level in terms of credibility. This makes LEOcrowd a serious, serious, player in the crowd funding market.

LEO Live Seminars in Karachi on 5 August and Lahore on 6 August 2017 were led by Waqas Suhail, General Manager, Dubai Region, supported by Kamran Khan Ghori, LEO Manager Operations Pakistan and Rashid Alam, Pakistan DSA and LEO Member.

3 days of Leadership Training were held in Rawalpindi from 28 to 30 July. Called
“I – Lead”, the keynote speakers were Waqas Suhail and Liaqat Magray.

If you are holding a meeting, please send your pictures to us events@WelcometoLEO.com

广州 Guangzhou. A great start with a full house of very enthusiastic Members and guests.

重庆 Chongqing. You can see some of our top Leaders, one of whom is getting her down-line started very early on. A true networker.

青岛 Qingdao. Anther full auditorium only too pleased to hear what Dan and Andy had to say.

潍坊 Weifang. On the tour so far, Dan has seen a lot of hotels and he specifically picked out this one as being “Something special;” so a big thank you to the Leaders who recommended it.

新乡 XinXiang. We should offer our thanks to Jonathan who provided constant translation support to Dan and Andy – on and off stage.

衡水 HengShui
Pictures are available in Galleries on Flikr and LEO web site. Please share the ones you like.

We are reaching the end of this spectacular tour. 8 cities in 8 days and 8 Discover LEO events presented by Dan Andersson LEO CEO and Andy Hansen our famous presenter with such fantastic experience of touring China. 4,500 people have bought tickets to this exceptional series
Not only were attendees able to meet Dan and Andy, they also took part in an amazing LEOcoin prize draw to win 888 LEOcoin! Every Member who attended a LEO Live Seminar event and brought a guest who joined LEO as a Member during the event was added into the prize draw.
We are all looking forward to the 12 12 12 tour!!

There are lots of events running around the world. Where we go is driven by the Members and their enthusiasm and effort to develop and grow business in their countries or cities. The senior corporate staff are always willing to support, diaries permitting.

On 24 September 2017, we will be holding our very first Discover LEO in Haiti. Led by Mihir Magudia, Global Director of External Relations, you will also hear from LEO Leaders, who will tell you first hand why you need to join the LEO Momentum! Tickets cost just €10 and include up to 5 guests a no extra cost!
If you have any questions, please contact events@WelcometoLEO.com.
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR MEMBERS WHO ARE PLATINUM AND ABOVE. You will be invited to join us on 23 September 2017 for an exclusive meeting with Mihir Magudia, Global Director of External relations!
Are you developing a business in Haiti? Get a message to your contacts and ask what availability they have to attend. 

On 26 September 2017, we will be holding our very first Discover LEO in Martinique. Led by Mihir Magudia, Global Director of External Relations, you will also hear from LEO Leaders, who will tell you first hand why you need to join the LEO Momentum! Tickets cost just €10 and include up to 5 guests a no extra cost!
If you have any questions, please contact events@WelcometoLEO.com.
Are you developing a business in Martinique? Get a message to your contacts and ask what availability they have to attend. 

27 September 2017 we have a tremendous programme led by Mihir Magudia, Executive Director - LEOcoin Foundation who will be speaking on “The Future of Cryptocurrency.” Tickets are £125.00, or you can use one of your Live Seminar tickets in your Value Pack.
Are you developing a business in Guadeloupe? Get a message to your contacts and ask what availability they have to attend. 

Dan Andersson LEO CEO will be in Paris on 30 September 2017
Other speakers, agenda and venue to be announced. Reserve the date.
Are you developing a business in France? Get a message to your contacts and ask what availability they have to attend. 

LEO Member training event – with a Recognition session – will be held in Reunion on 22 October 2017. A tremendous programme led by Dan Andersson LEO CEO. Agenda including details of the Member training and Member recognition will be confirmed with you soon. Tickets cost €10. This event will sell out and space is limited.

This will be the biggest and best event ever held.

There are 3 ways to get to Mauritius without having to pay. The dedicated web sitehas full details of what to expect and how to qualify.

Qualify for 7 nights in Paradise by Route Two. 
From 1 May 2017 to 31 October 2017, Members who personally introduce 2 new LEO Members and help them get to Associate Rank by 31 October 2017 will earn a FREE ticket to Mauritius 2018.
More than 2 Members can be personally sponsored but at least two of them must achieve Associate Rank by 31 October 2017.  Terms & Conditions apply

For new Members there are 2 routes to a free ticket to Mauritius.
Route Three 
New Members who personally introduce 1 new LEO Member and help them get to Associate Rank in their first 30 days as a LEO Member will earn themselves a FREE ticket to Mauritius 2018.
More than 1 Member can be personally sponsored but at least one of them must achieve Associate Rank in the first 30 days of LEO Membership.
If 2 new Members are personally introduced and both of them reach Associate Rank in the new Members first 30 days as a LEO Member they will earn a ticket for their partner as well.
Route Four
Personally introduce 2 new LEO Members and help them get to Associate Rank by 31 October 2017 to earn a FREE ticket to Mauritius 2018.
More than 2 Members can be personally introduced but at least two of them must achieve Associate Rank by 31 October 2017.  Terms & Conditions apply
Full details are on the Carnival website.

LEO has hired the entire resort. When you get there the only other people you will see are the LEO Family and resort staff. This will be a fantastically special event. We are developing a buy-in package so that when you qualify you will be able to bring your family too. Don’t let this opportunity pass – they will love you so much.
153 rooms are left. The number of Members who are close is increasing every week. The chance of getting a room by waiting until next month to qualify look increasingly unlikely. Don’t be the one to miss out.

If you needed reminding why you should be working hard to qualify.  1st LEO Holiday & 6th Annual Global Conference will be held 4 May to 11 May 2018 will surely be “7 Nights in Paradise”.
Members and their families can expect 6 days of fun & relaxation and 2 days of world class conference in the exclusive LEO Resort. It is all inclusive: Food and Beverage, Sports and Activities available to all at no cost.
Watch the new video.

There are 335 Members who are close to qualification and there are only 153 rooms left. We cannot get 335 people into 153 rooms!!
There will be some very sad and disappointed people. Make sure it is not you and not any of your team.

The Exclusive Member Bonus that comes with the 12 Month Value Pack is now 1,260 LEOcoin. For this you get 12 months access to all training products, 4 tickets to Live Seminars as well as the Exclusive Member Bonus.
Dan gave us due warning that market conditions determine the price; recent performance of LEOcoin meant that we had to reduce the Exclusive Member Bonus at the end of last month and it may not be long before we have to reduce it again.

The app is available from XiaoMi as well as the Baidu app storeGoogle Play storeand Apple App store and from the LearnEarnOwn website App download page.
Keep inviting contacts. Use the app and the free gifts offered so we can get to 1 million Members.

There are only a few days to go to the launch.
It will be the first digital currency banking platform in the world. Another first for LEO. It will be HUGE.
We can’t wait to hear about the first project that will be launched as the start of that epic journey: but we will have to wait for the 8 August to find out - there are no pre-announcements.

LEO Banking Ownership Platform is open, of course.
You can purchase pre-shares in your Back Office Ownership section.
We plan to have the first dividend distribution at a LEO Banking meeting as part of the Annual Global Conference Mauritius in 2018.

  • Mauritius. The target is to be one of the 300. The number available is getting smaller every day. Take full advantage. Qualify for your free tickets to Mauritius.
  • Buy tickets for the Live Seminars: you, your team and guests. Use these initiatives to develop your business around the globe.
  • Exclusive Member Bonus – get it while you can!
  • Get the LEO Smart 3.0 app. Build your teams!
  • The launch of LEO Banking is upon us – watch your emails for the announcements

Be sure to join us next week at the same time to get all the latest LEO updates.
Click here to listen to the recording of this week's webinar.

The Global Associate Meeting webinar had many updates for our leaders.

Our weekly webinars are the best source of information because you get updates directly from the LEO management. We welcome everyone who is serious about building their LEO business to join us.

For those who attended, thank you. We hope that you enjoyed it and it was informative for you. This webinar is aimed at providing LEO business updates to our members worldwide, so invite your teams next week so that they also get business updates directly from the LEO senior management.

For those who could not make it, we are sorry that you missed our webinar. We understand that sometimes some urgent piece of work comes in the way. We hope that you will join us next week at the same time and place. Whether you can attend or not (and we hope you can, next week), invite your team members to attend so that they too can get business updates directly from the source.

Join us for the next webinar, taking place on 14 August 2017, 3pm UK time

If you have already registered for the "Global Associate Meeting Webinar" you will receive a reminder email with the link to join the webinar. And if you have not registered for the webinar you may log on to your personal LEO website (www.myLEObusiness.com/your-user-name) and then click on "Webinars" in the top menu.
OR alternatively click on "Register Now" button below and it will take you directly to the webinar registration page.

Register Now

Encourage all your contacts to sign up to this webinar series. Invite your downline to attend as well.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar next week together with your teams.

All the best,

Geoff Round

Global Marketing Manager


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