

Global Associate Meeting webinar Monday, 24 April 2017

Global Associate Meeting webinar
Monday, 24 April 2017

Dear Farman,

Mihir Magudia, Global Director of External Relations led the presentation as Dan was on his way to Kuala Lumpur to welcome our Leaders.

Mihir started by recognising our latest Director and our latest Marketing Director; updates on LEOcoin, LEOcrowd information, news coverage, update on training and events, incentives, and an update on the LEO Smart 3.0 app followed.

Director Xiao Yan Yang has worked so hard to get to this rank and will now begin to reap the rewards of being a Director: he will be included in the strategic training that Dan provides at events such as the GAC in Kuala Lumpur. Not only will he be one of the first to hear about new developments, he will also get the opportunity to feed in his opinions and views on the direction of LEO business.

Marketing Director Xiaoping Tian has taken the next step up the organisation and will be encouraged to help Dan and the executive team develop the strategy and help to plan the direction for LEO.

LEOcoin is continuing to do extremely well on the LEOxChange, as can be seen. The price is stable and this is very positive because it means that holders are doing so because they believe in the LEOcoin and they appreciate the value that Proof of Stake represents; which is great news for all of us.

LEOcoin is also showing strength on other top exchanges as well.
The great message of LEOcoin is that we have the capacity and the desire and resources to continue investing in it to maintain its leading position in the digital currency marketplace. LEOcoin is going places no other digital currency can even imagine.
We look forward to the reaction the markets give when the details of The Journey,  shared first with our Leaders at the LEO Global Annual Conference in Kuala Lumpur in April, come out into the public domain.

LEOcrowd run regular workshops where budding project creators can get the best of advice on how to develop their ideas. Putting together the proposition is a key component to raising interest and reaching the target funding. Investors are also welcome. These meetings are gaining popularity as word on the quality of the training gets around the crowdfunding marketplace.

Jeff Spires, LEOcrowd Marketing Executive, leads the LEOcrowd workshops and was instrumental in LEOcrowd being asked to host one of the ECN Crowd Tuesday events. Such is his reputation that he has been asked to be the keynote speaker at the European Crowdfunding Network event to be held on May 9th at 11:00. His subject? "Building a successful campaign: How to engage your network and go beyond”. This event will be streamed and we will keep you informed of the details as they come to light.

Whenever there is news of a development in the digital currency market, Dan is invited to give his views. If the People’s Bank of China do develop a digital version of the Chinese Renminbi it will change the landscape of global business. To say it will accelerate the growth in the number of people using a digital currency in their business and private lives would be an understatement.
With our connections in the country and our knowledge and experience in digital currencies, we are well placed to take advantage if this latest initiative comes to market.

Paul Southworth OBE has over 30 years’ experience in our industry.  He was Director General of the UK Direct Selling Association (DSA) from 2010 to 2014, and he was the President and Chief Executive of the UK subsidiary of a major US-based direct selling company for over 12 years. He is currently on the LEO Advisory Council.
In this article Paul gives his 5 top tips for business success.
1. Pride
Having pride in yourself, your work, the products you sell, the team you work with and the company you belong to will take you a long way. With the right attitude, you can conquer the world!
2. People
Business, and direct selling in particular, is all about people! The people in your team and the people you approach to sell your products to every day. In fact, people are your most important asset.
3. Planning
The old adage “to fail to plan, is to plan to fail” has become such a well-loved mantra, because it is SO true! Making a clear plan, and sticking to it, is a sure-fire way to improve your chances of success.
4. Perseverance
Not everyone will say “yes”, but this does not mean failure – if you learn to handle objections with good humour and without taking it personally, you realize that each “No” takes you closer to the next “Yes”.
5. Passion
Last but definitely not least, you must always be passionate about the product or business opportunity you are offering. Passion is the catalyst for true success, so be sure to choose a business and product you love!
Read more on the Networking Times site.

Andy Hansen presented the new Getting Started Guide.
This is part of the new duplication training programme which started with the delivery of the new Discover LEO presentation and video.
This new Getting Started Guide is available in the Downloads section of the LearnEarnOwn site in ArabicChineseEnglishFrenchRussianSwedish and Vietnamese.

Duplication is the key to success in this business. This guide has been developed to help you get new team members started in the right way and help them to reach the rank of Associate in their first 30 days. This early achievement for new Members is very important.
The Guide teaches new Members how to follow a system as they build their LEO business.
The contents cover everything you need to know from the beginning and offers tools and advice on what to do to grow your business.
  • My First 30 Days Planner
  • Business Building System Flowchart
  • My Support Team Contact Details
These are the key areas for planning your business development.
The 5-step system is a proven methodology that works everywhere.
We want everyone in every part of the world to learn the SYSTEM, use the SYSTEM and duplicate it in every market in the world.

These webinars are for new and existing Members who would like to be trained in every aspect of how to get Members started.
In the next few weeks, we will be launching Getting Started Webinars.
Webinars will be run by LEO Corporate staff and LEO Leaders who have been trained in the SYSTEM and the tools we are making available.
This is part of a system which includes the new Discover LEO Power Point Presentation, Getting Started Guide and Member Acquisition process.
We will advise on the training schedule very soon.
In preparation, we recommend that everyone downloads and reviews the Getting Started Guide so that they are ready. Select your own language Arabic,ChineseEnglishFrenchRussianSwedish and Vietnamese: pass the link to your team.

The LEO Global Annual Conference in Kuala Lumpur has started. The leaders are already there, discussing the strategy and plans for LEO for the year. They will be joined by the qualifiers on Tuesday, where they will receive training from a high-quality line-up of speakers; world renown experts in their fields. We promise learning, skills development, planning and if the previous GACs are a guide, attendees will be the first to hear about the strategic announcements that we have been working on in the background.
Make sure that your Leaders tell you what they have learned.
On the lifestyle side, we have, as well as the Welcome dinner and the closing event (where we bring the Carnival to you), 2 spectacular tours.
Batu Caves and a visit the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM). At FRIM a special area has been designated for LEO Members to plant trees, marking the 5thbirthday of the company and contributing to the local environment.
If you are not a qualifier this event, then make sure you find out what you need to do to get to the next one.

3,000 people attended the last tour that this world-class trainer Andy Hansen conducted in March. You now have 3 more chances to attend a LEO Live Seminar presented by Andy Hansen.
During the last tour those who had attended were sharing this message on WeChat “You are an idiot for missing out on this live seminar”.
Tickets sold out so fast. We had people standing outside trying to hear Andy’s teaching. You can see the excitement on LearnEarnOwn Gallery.
Make sure you get a front seat this time. You won’t regret it.
The schedule is Shanghai on 16 May; Henan Luoyang on 18 May 2017 and Fujian on 20 May 2017. Live Seminar will be held in English with Mandarin translation.
Each event ticket is £125 or you can redeem one of your LEO Live Seminar tickets. Lunch is included in the ticket price. Make sure you bring your guests!

In October we will be taking qualifiers to Hong Kong.
Qualification for this Executive trip runs to 30 June. Be the first to qualify for the trip to Hong Kong. You can remind yourself of what the March qualifiers experienced in Dubai on the web site on the Gallery pages and on Facebook.
We are expecting more qualifiers from more countries than ever before. And we are adding in more training and more lifestyle experiences. Hong Kong is such an exciting place to visit. We promise that this will be very special; don’t risk missing out.

The Exclusive Member Bonus that comes with the 12 Month Value Pack will not last long at these levels, so take advantage as soon as possible.
Members who do not yet have 1,000 LEOcoin have the full Exclusive Member Bonus awarded directly to their escrow account immediately. This means that they can take advantage of Proof of Stake much sooner than they previously could. For new Members in your team, this will help keep their motivation going and give them the opportunity to benefit from Proof of Stake immediately.

The app is now available from the app store, Baidu. So if you have had problems accessing Google Play store, you can now downloaded by searching the site with LEO Smart, or from the link shown or by using the QR code.
We have over 32 thousand downloads so far. With this extra site now available we expect the numbers to grow even faster. This is a revolutionary new business tool, a real game-changer, that will help you to build your business like never before – so, get it now!
The app is already available from the Google Play storeApple App store and the LearnEarnOwn website App download page. Make sure new joiners see the LEO Smart app explainer videos that are available on LEO TV and on YouTube in EnglishRussian,ArabicFrenchSwedishVietnamese and in Mandarin from YouKu.
As Andy said when discussing the Getting Started guide and the SYSTEM, following up is a very important step in the team building process. Use those videos as a reason to follow up.

The web site pages explaining the process, showing the videos and providing the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions are now available in many languages.

* Don’t wait to buy your tickets for the Live Seminar events. Invite your team and bring guests.
* Be sure to get the exclusive Member Bonus while you can – this adds to your value-for-money marketing message, is good motivation for newly joined Members and encourages participation in the LEOcoin community.
* Qualify for the Executive trip planned for Hong Kong. 30 June is the target date for qualification. Be in that first group
* The LEO Smart 3.0 app has been launched – Get it now from LEO, the Google Play storeApple App store and Baidu. Build your teams!

Be sure to join us next week at the same time to get all the latest LEO updates.

Click here to listen to the recording of this week's webinar.

The Global Associate Meeting webinar had many updates for our leaders.

Our weekly webinars are the best source of information because you get updates directly from the LEO management. We welcome everyone who is serious about building their LEO business to join us.

For those who attended, thank you. We hope that you enjoyed it and it was informative for you. This webinar is aimed at providing LEO business updates to our members worldwide, so invite your teams next week so that they also get business updates directly from the LEO senior management.

For those who could not make it, we are sorry that you missed our webinar. We understand that sometimes some urgent piece of work comes in the way. We hope that you will join us next week at the same time and place. Whether you can attend or not (and we hope you can, next week), invite your team members to attend so that they too can get business updates directly from the source.

Join us for the next webinar, taking place on 1 May 2017, 3pm UK time

If you have already registered for the "Global Associate Meeting Webinar" you will receive a reminder email with the link to join the webinar. And if you have not registered for the webinar you may log on to your personal LEO website (www.myLEObusiness.com/your-user-name) and then click on "Webinars" in the top menu.
OR alternatively click on "Register Now" button below and it will take you directly to the webinar registration page.

Register Now

Encourage all your contacts to sign up to this webinar series. Invite your downline to attend as well.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar next week together with your teams.

All the best,

Geoff Round

Global Marketing Manager


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