

Global Associate Meeting webinar

Recording of Global Associate Meeting webinar
Monday, 3 April 2017

Dear Farman,

Dan and Mihir joined us from their hotel room in Morocco.

The agenda includes Recognition, LEOcoin updates, Product updates, In the News, information on events and incentives, and an update on the LEO Smart 3.0 app.

We are delighted to recognise our latest Director Liang Gang Qui. If you are going to Kuala Lumpur, you will have the opportunity to meet with him and share experiences.

LEOcoin is continuing to do extremely well on the LEOxChange, as can be seen. The trend in both price and volume traded remains very positive which is great news for all of us.
Just as a side note: the LEOcoin MasterCard is due for launch this month. Information to follow soon.

LEOcoin is also going strong on other top exchanges, showing that LEOcoin is heading in the same upward direction on all the many different places it can be traded, which is great news for the whole community.
The great message of LEOcoin is that we have the capacity and the desire and resources to continue investing in it to maintain its leading position in the digital currency marketplace. The journey is exciting: last year was Proof of Stake; this year is ‘The Upgrade’ which, in part is the development of the security and privacy functions and the launch of the debit card. The whole story will, of course, be shared with our Leaders at the LEO Global Annual Conference in Kuala Lumpur in April.
We are looking forward to the new currency pair on livecoin.net which is due this month allowing LEOcoin to be traded against Etherium.

We have 2 new products to announce. These are for those who do not have English as their first language and wish to learn it. Course A1 is for those first exploring the English language and the Course A2 is for those who have done the first course and takes them to the next level of competence.
These are available on the Web Shop at £80 each.
You will note that the courses are supplied with our partner Cambridge University. We are sure you will agree that this attests to the quality of the training

The catalogue of all our learning products has been updated. It will be available on the web site following its launch at Kuala Lumpur. This will help you to explain the complete range of educational and skills development products in an easy to understand way. Then prospects will be able to select what they need and, as needed, go to the web site to purchase them or access them through their Value Pack subscription.

Dan has been interviewed by the BitCoin news service on LEOcoin advances again.
Privacy has been one of the most dominant discussions in the cryptocurrency space.
In previous GAMs we have previewed the developments we are launching at Kuala Lumpur this month and the press have picked up on this. The importance of our contribution to this debate is evidenced by this latest coverage: such is our reputation and profile that we only need to hint at something and the press are keen to learn more because the market (their readership) is interested in what we have to say.
It is encouraging to note that LEOcoin has a strong position in the digital currency marketplace and every new development in LEOcoin is of interest to the commentators and influencers like BTC.

In this piece of editorial comment by Stateviews in Pakistan, the subject of credibility is at the forefront. OneCoin has been put under their spotlight and they find their management lacking. We have been told that this is the talk of the market in Pakistan.
Please share this with anyone you know who is showing an interest in digital currency. We see it as our duty to help people avoid scams.

We are please to be able to support Members as their drive forward the business in their countries.
For Pakistan we have to thank Engineer Saleem and Saeed Ahmed for organising an event in Sadiqabad.

Liaqat Magray led a 2 day seminar in Rawalpindi. In this event we were supported by the DSA in Pakistan: and by Dan Andersson via Skype.

As regulars to these GAMs will know we are very much in favour of close relationships with the DSA in every country in which we operate. Recently Wendy Li met with the DSA in Hong Kong.

World-class trainer, Andy Hansen, who is considered by many to be the UK’s number one motivational speaker and sales trainer, has been presenting LEO at Live Seminars across Asia.
He introduced LEO, the products and seminar programme that we run to over 1000 people over the 4 days.
We are indebted to the leaders who have organised these events; particularly in Manila, Philippines.

A Discover LEO events took place on 1 April, in the Ivory Coast. Dan Andersson, LEO President and CEO, and Mihir Magudia, Global Director of External Relations, were in support. The Leaders worked hard to fill the room – 885 in all. What a great event! This was followed with meetings with the Leaders to discuss how to continue to grow the business.

This is a brand new market for LEO and we have not completed all the necessary infrastructure but Leaders managed to attract 450 people to attend this session.

In the UK, leading LEO Members are holding a regular series of meetings called ‘Super Saturday’. We were observers at the first one.

We are always willing to provide support to the communities in which we all work. Here Liaqat Magray has provided support for his local cricket team. We wish them well.

There is a fantastic agenda to look forward to in April at the LEO Global Annual Conference in Kuala Lumpur, where there will be a high-quality line-up of speakers and trainers.

If you did not qualify but still want to join us for the training sessions alone, then you can. The ‘Nick of Time’ price for this is £1,000 until 26 April. However, this will only be available while we still have space.

For those who are recently joined Members who are working their way to Executive; we remind you that the next trip is in October. Don’t miss out on this wonderful incentive. You can remind yourself of what the qualifiers experienced in March on theweb site on the Gallery pages and on Facebook.
We are expecting more qualifiers from more countries that before. And we are adding in more training and more activities. Not to be missed.

We are soon to announce a Director event structured on the same themes: getting to know you; planning; training and activities to provide a memorable experience as part of the reward of getting to Director.

The Exclusive Member Bonus that comes with the 12 Month Value Pack will not last long at these levels, so take advantage as soon as possible.
Further GREAT NEWS. For new Members who do not yet have 1,000 LEOcoin, the full Exclusive Member Bonus is awarded directly to your escrow account immediately. This means that you can take advantage of Proof of Stake much sooner than you previously could. For new Members in your team, this will help keep their motivation going and give them the opportunity to benefit from Proof of Stake immediately.

The latest news is that the LEO Smart 3.0 app launched, on 14 March, has been downloaded by almost 27 thousand of our Members’ contacts. This is a revolutionary new business tool that will help you to build your business like never before – so, get it now!

The app is now available from the Google Play storeApple App store and the LearnEarnOwn website App download page. This is a real game-changer in the direct selling industry. Don’t delay, be sure to download it today!

The LEO Smart app explainer videos are now available on LEO TV in 7 languages.
You can access them on YouTube: EnglishRussianArabicFrenchSwedish andVietnamese and in Mandarin from YouKu.

* Be sure to get the exclusive Member Bonus while you can – this adds to your value-for-money marketing message, is good motivation for newly joined Members and encourages participation in the LEOcoin community.
* Kuala Lumpur Training Days tickets are still available at the ‘Nick of Time’ price of £1,000 until 26 April.
* Make sure that you come to the Kuala Lumpur Global Annual Conference for full news of The Upgrade. This is all about the technology behind LEOcoin, improving the blockchain it runs on and allowing LEOcoin to be used in ways that no other digital currency has before
* Qualify for Dubai
* The LEO Smart 3.0 app has been launched – Get it now and build your teams!

Be sure to join us next week at the same time to get all the latest LEO updates.

Unfortunately we had technical problems and there is no recording this week.


The Global Associate Meeting webinar had many updates for our leaders.

Our weekly webinars are the best source of information because you get updates directly from the LEO management. We welcome everyone who is serious about building their LEO business to join us.

For those who attended, thank you. We hope that you enjoyed it and it was informative for you. This webinar is aimed at providing LEO business updates to our members worldwide, so invite your teams next week so that they also get business updates directly from the LEO senior management.

For those who could not make it, we are sorry that you missed our webinar. We understand that sometimes some urgent piece of work comes in the way. We hope that you will join us next week at the same time and place. Whether you can attend or not (and we hope you can, next week), invite your team members to attend so that they too can get business updates directly from the source.

Join us for the next webinar, taking place on 10 April 2017, 3pm UK time

If you have already registered for the "Global Associate Meeting Webinar" you will receive a reminder email with the link to join the webinar. And if you have not registered for the webinar you may log on to your personal LEO website (www.myLEObusiness.com/your-user-name) and then click on "Webinars" in the top menu.
OR alternatively click on "Register Now" button below and it will take you directly to the webinar registration page.

Register Now

Encourage all your contacts to sign up to this webinar series. Invite your downline to attend as well.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar next week together with your teams.

All the best,

Geoff Round

Global Marketing Manager


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